#FreebieFriday Winners – The Black Death

We set up our Freebie Friday for The Black Death up last week, with the question “What would your ideal Medieval Vocation be?”
Loads of you responded and here are the responses from the five lucky winners!
We set up our Freebie Friday for The Black Death up last week, with the question “What would your ideal Medieval Vocation be?”
Loads of you responded and here are the responses from the five lucky winners!
When it comes to Saints Row (SA), we all know what to expect and that’s crazy, over the top version of Grand Theft Auto (GTA). Saints Row is the game you’d play when you get bored of GTA V. However with SA IV, I have mixed feelings. Is SA IV going to be a classic in years to come? Well of course not, but that
Imagine if you will, that you are in need of a new daily coat and you are fan of the BBC series Sherlock. Well you would be in luck be cause there is a company called theJacketMaker.com that offers you a real life, high quality peacoat almost exactly like that worn by the series lead Benedict Cumberbatch. Or if Sherlock isn’t your thing but the CW’s Green Arrow centric show ‘Arrow’ is you could just get a green hooded coat styled after the show. What if comics are you your thing either but video games like Assassin’s Creed is and you only need a hoodie? Well GeekHoodies.com has you covered!
Personally I think its a lot of fun to be a geek today. Having been a fan of comics from back when you could get beat up at school for it, its kinda nice to let your geek flag fly! Even areas where you wouldn’t expect cosplay to touch are being effects, and in a good way! Check out Etsy for business casual and formal gear and you can find custom Deadpool cuff links with matching tie bar, of course there are the normal custom ties, but how about custom high heels!?! Then at the other end of the spectrum like motorcycle gear you will find things like custom painted helmets such as this Spider-Man themed full face helmet on Etsy. UDreplica.com has line of themed motorcycle riding suits like this one based on the batsuit from The Dark Knight movie. And if a full riding suit isn’t quite you then you can hit up Weld Burn Masks and get a Punisher themed handmade motorcycle face mask.
Its an exciting time whether it is DC or Marvel, Comic or Anime, Movies or Video Games there is someone out there making something for your everyday life to help slake your cosplay passion between events!
Scooby has gone through many incarnations over the years since his introduction in 1969. Most of the incarnations have either been slight modifications by the inclusion of new characters, like the bad choice to include Scrappy Doo, to reducing the number of regulars in the show, a back to basics series of direct to DVD movies including a musical, to a recent attempt by Cartoon Network to add even more mystery and a running story to the show called ‘Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated’ that ran from April of 2010 for two season till April 2013 and is considered the 11th incarnation of the show according to Wikipedia. When it comes to the comic books Scooby has seen plenty of change and shift as well but this new version should be interesting to watch unfold. Speaking about the reboot AND redesign of the characters artist Jim Lee had this to say:
“I’m a huge Scooby Doo fan, as I think most people are,” said Lee during Entertainment Weekly’s initial report. “It’s a multigenerational obsession at this point, and we just thought it would just be really interesting to take the cartoon version of these characters and see where they would be if we took what existed in the very first iteration of the cartoon and moved it into this day and age.”
That sounds a bit dangerous to me. Take a look at the cover art for the new series as drawn by Lee himself.
Shaggy seems to be the character with cross-hairs on his back as he’s evolved from a hippy to a hipster with trendy facial hair. Velma looks like she’s been handed larger glasses and a shorter stature. Fred and Daphne seem to be dressed as twins minus the colors and rocking some pretty hefty tech. All of this wrapped up in Lee’s signature style… and tattoos apparently.
Lee has a long history of producing great artwork and his work on the New52 and this mysterious Rebirth for DC has been heralded and lauded so it will be interesting to see how this new version of the historical and “generational” characters of Mystery Inc unfolds.
He’s Bat Shit Crazy
Those words were chosen carefully. Wade was entered in the Weapon X program because he really had nothing to lose since he was dying from cancer. (His cancer is a reoccurring joke in the comics) Wade is not a mutant but during his time in the Weapon X program is artificially given an enhanced version of Wolverine’s mutant healing factor. The trouble is that it didn’t cure his cancer so his body is in a constant fight of healing the damage that his cancer is causing. Considering his brain was one site of infection, the constant damage and repair causes him to be unpredictable and often times completely mental. Though initially he didn’t have any on-board internal dialog, he is now famous for having two additional voices in his head which are represented on page with yellow and white speech boxes with which he often has verbal dialog to the dismay of those around him.
He Can Heal From Virtually Anything
The X-Men character Wolverine is the source of Deadpool’s healing factor but he heals faster and more completely than his donor. Known for diving in head first, sometimes literally, knowing that while it might hurt but that he will be fine has become a signature technique for Deadpool. With no regard for himself Wade is willing to do anything at anytime which when combined with his fragile mental status makes him a dangerous foe. Taskmasker, a foe with photo-reflexive memory which allows him to copy anyone’s fighting skills by observation, was unable to defeat Deadpool due to his chaotic and improvised fighting style. Taskmaster has also stated that Deadpool is an expert at distracting his opponents. Other formatable fighters in the Marvel Universe like X-Men member Gambit are also afraid to directly engage Deadpool even going so far as to offer to pay him off rather than fight him.
And last of all…. *reader insert drum roll here*
He Knows He’s in Comic Book
To my knowledge there isn’t a point that’s been portrayed in the comics at which Deadpool discovers that he is just a comic book character created and used for the enjoyment of the reader but he does know it. As famous has he is for the previous points, and MANY many others, at the top if the list (or at the bottom I suppose) should be his frequent breaking of the fourth wall, something nearly no one else in the Marvel Universe does. Frequent references to real world events, pop culture, references to previous issues by issue number, and even characters from other comic book companies like Batman are bewildering to other characters but are a staple and major point of interest for fans. In short, it wouldn’t be a Deadpool comic without at least one breach!
With the release of his new movie on the horizon, February 12th in the US GET your ticks like now, take the time to enjoy Deadpool for what he is the “Merc with the Mouth” (not that X-Men Origins: Wolverine bullshit).
Deadpool loves a shower scene
Dishonored 2 is the highly-anticipated first-person action game under development at Arkane Studios, and the follow-up to the 2012 ‘Game of the Year’, Dishonored.
The world premiere of Dishonored 2 gameplay will take place during Bethesda’s 2016 E3 Showcase being held in Los Angeles, California on June 12th beginning at 7pm PST, and streamed live around the world via Twitch and YouTube.